This club was founded to support the development of digital typesetting tools. Its charter defines that received money must only be spent for these goals. It was founded to collect donations to fund development of specific features lacking in contemporary software and oversee their progress. This approach is specifically project-independent and the members decide in majority how money is spent.
Do you want to see progress in digital typesetting tools like SILE, speedata publisher, typst, …? If we receive money, we evaluate which projects can be funded (e.g. math support, AsciiDoc support, …) and then find developers available to implement them. If you want to dedicate the money to a specific project, please name the project in the money transfer. We use the following SEPA bank account:
Wortlaut (Name): Lukas Prokop
IBAN: AT72 1912 0500 1092 1510
You want to send money from outside of Europe? Get in contact to find a solution.